I Read Arabic: The No.1 Arabic Language Learning Program
Why is "I Read Arabic" Different?
A proven global study
Over 3000 Educational Resources
Gamified Learning
Student Tracking Reports
What sets us apart!
The Pedagogy behind I Read Arabic
The platform targets receptive skills, productive skills and interactive skills. Accordingly, the content includes different reading texts in terms of topics and genres, taking into account the trends and interests of students in addition to their reading abilities. Furthermore, the content includes educational videos and games, and a large number of interactive worksheets that measure comprehension, grammatical and language skills, in addition to both diagnostics and end of level assessments.
The platform is integrative in terms of linking language skills and enhancing learning methods where the student acquires self-management skills, research skills, communication skills, and social skills.
To strengthen the relationship between the learner & the teacher
“I Read Arabic” provides learners with an exciting journey full of diverse educational resources that enhance thinking and aims to build a rich vocabulary that develops linguistic fluency, expands perceptions and improves the desired skills without feeling any difficulty or boredom to ensure continuity of the learning journey that suits all levels of learners.
“I Read Arabic” seeks to develop learners' skills through a gradual individualized learning journey based on their skills and level, and provides the teacher with a supportive approach that enables them to apply the image of blended and flipped learning that combines printed and digital materials. learn more…
A new friendship between the learner and the language
Beginning with the learner himself
Interactive topics and books
Focusing on ethics
Keeping pace with current times
Unlimited Reading, learning, and discovery with “I Read Arabic”
اكتشف شغف طفلك باللّغة العربيّة
Curiosity and thinking help our kids find their way back to their books
التّمييز بين فعل الأمر صحيح الآخر والفعل معتلّ الآخر
التّمييز بين فعل الأمر صحيح الآخر والفعل معتل الآخر
دار النّشر | المؤلّف | المرحلة العمريّة |
دار نهضة مصر | عبير الطاهر | 12-13 سنوات |
اقرا المزيد
لا أحد يحبني
يتعرّض للإهمال من قبل والديه؛ بحجّة أنّهما مشغولان، ولا وقت لديهما للاعتناء به. وكذلك من أخيه الأكبر الّذي لا يعامله باحترام، ومن أخته الصّغيرة الّتي تأخذ ألعابه وتلعب بها طيلة الوقت
دار النّشر | المؤلّف | المرحلة العمريّة |
دار نهضة مصر | عبير الطاهر | 12-13 سنوات |
اقرا المزيد
نبذة عن عالم الأطفال باستخدام الأرقام بشكل لطيف
دار النّشر | المؤلّف | المرحلة العمريّة |
المفكّرون الصّغار | رؤى دخان | 7 -8 سنوات |
اقرا المزيد